Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Easter Coffee Table

 Hello, Dear Ones! I'm a little behind with my Easter decorating as I've been sewing making dolls and then Mr. Precious and I celebrated our 49th wedding anniversary. So I thought I'd start in my living room and show you my coffee table set up for Easter.

A little pastely and girly but Mr. Precious doesn't mind. Oh, and everything looks better sitting on a doily. That's my opinion.
I recently found this beautiful fluted edge Milk Glass cake stand and knew it would be perfect for something with my Easter decor so here it is!
Here you can see the delicate edge. I'm just in love with it.
I poked bunches of sweet spring blooms on it and two of my little bunnies hopped right down in the center. Look at those cute little mischievous faces.
I found this darling girl at Kirklands last week and she jumped into my cart. Isn't it funny how those things just happen?
She is so pretty with her big lovely eyes and flowers on her little head.
Now this pink glass bunny covered dish is pretty old and unfortunately I broke her little ear in two places! I was upset but tried to mend her with some E600. It worked pretty good but you can see the broken line at the base of her ear. That's okay, we all have scares. I gave her some flowers so she wouldn't feel left out.
I added a sprinkling of Easter postcards on my doily just to fill in some space and one postcard to remind us that Easter is just not about the bunnies, cute as they are, but about our risen Savior Jesus!

Hope you've enjoyed seeing my little vignette on my coffee table. I think I need some candy now!

I'm joining the party Inspire Me Tuesday

Be a bunch of sweeties,                                                                                                                                  Shelia :)

I'll leave you with a little Note Song ~

He Lives

I serve a risen Saviour, He's in the world today
I know that He is living, whatever men may say
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer
And just the time I need Him He's always near
He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Christ Jesus lives today
He walks with me and talks with me
Along life's narrow way
He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Salvation to impart
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart
In all the world around me I see His loving care
And though my heart grows weary I never will despair
I know that He is leading, through all the stormy blast
The day of His appearing will come at last
He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Christ Jesus lives today
He walks with me and talks with me
Along life's narrow way
He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Salvation to impart
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart
Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian Lift up your voice and sing
Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ, the King
The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find
None other is so loving, so good and kind
He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Christ Jesus lives today
He walks with me and talks with me
Along life's narrow way
He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Salvation to impart
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart
~ sung by us all 


  1. So pretty Shelia. The bunnies look like they are actually posing for you to take their picture. Love the pink and white and sweet flowers with your cute bunnies. The fluted milk glass cake stand is so pretty too. xoxo Kris

  2. I like your pretty easter decorations on your coffee table Shelia. Spring is such a fun time for decorating our homes.

  3. I do love your sweet bunnies and beautiful spring florals. And I too love a doily here and there. I am just now starting my spring and Easter decorating.
    But I believe that I enjoyed the Easter song, "He Lives," most of all. So encouraging and comforting in this turbulent time. Reminds that there is peace, even in the storm.

    1. Thank you for popping in to see me, Kathy. Yes, I love this old hymn too.
      Be a sweetie,
      Shelia ;)


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